| बन्ने होइन त अधिकृत ?? |      

Online Exam Question

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A marble statue is being carved by a sculptor. In the first week, 35% is cut away, in the second week 20% of the  remainder is cut away, and in the third week 25% of the remainder is cut away and polished to produce the final statue. The weight of the final statue is 78 Kg. What was the weight of the original price of marble ?

एउटा गाउँको जनसंख्या 8000 थियो | यदि पुरुष र महिलाको संख्या क्रमशः 10% र 8% ले वृद्धि भयो भने जम्मा जनसंख्या 9% ले बढ्छ भने उक्त गाउँको पुरुषको संख्या कति थियो ?

In a university, the number if students studying Science, Mathematics and History is in the repective ratio of 2:4:9. If the number of student in Science, Mathematics and History is increased by 10%, 20% and 40% respectively, what will be the new ratio ?

अण्डाको डेलिभरी दिएपछि बजारको स्टल साहु रिसायो किनकी धेरै अण्डाहरु फुटेका थिए | वास्तवमा क्षतिको मुल्यांकन गर्न अण्डा गन्दा उसले पायो कि ७२ वटा अण्डाहरु फुटेका थिए जुन जम्मा अण्डाको 12% थियो भने जम्मा कति वटा अण्डा मगाईएको थियो ?

[Officer, 2070]

एउटा परीक्षामा A ले 40% अंक ल्याउँदा ऊ 40 अंक ले फेल भयो | सोही परीक्षामा 60% अंक ल्याउँदा B 40 अतिरिक्त अंकले पास भयो भने उक्त परीक्षाको पूर्णाङ्क कति हो ? 

कुनै निर्वाचनमा दुई जना उम्मेदवार मध्ये 40% मत पाउने उम्मेदवारले 2000 मतले हारेका थिए भने जम्मा कति मत खसेको थियो ?

If P is 30% more than Q and R is 30% less than Q, then R is how much percent less than P ?

एउटा भाँडोमा भएका ब्याक्टेरिया प्रत्येक मिनेटमा दोब्बर हुन्छन् | 12 औं मिनेट बाट 14 औं मिनेट हुँदा ब्याक्टेरिया कति प्रतिशतले वृद्धि हुन्छन् ?

Price of Sugar increased by 20% and consumption reduced by 10 %. By how much percent will the expenditure change ?

आयतको लम्बाई र चौडाई क्रमशः 20% र 30% ले बढाउँदा क्षेत्रफल कति प्रतिशतले बढ्छ ?

If the price of coffee is decreased by 20% then by how much percentage consumption should be increased so as to keep the expenditure same ?

तरकारीको भाउ 25% ले वृद्धि हुँदा उपभोक्ताले आफ्नो खर्च यथावत राख्न उपभोगमा कति प्रतिशतले कटौती गर्नुपर्ला ?

If height of A is 40% less than that of B, then by how much is the height of B more than that of A ?

If salary of A is more than B by 33 1/3% then by how much is salary of B less than that of A ?

The price of an article is decreased by 10 %. To restore its former value, by how much percent should new price be increased ?

धिरजको तलब 20 % ले वृद्धि भयो | तलब पुरानै अवस्थामा लैजान कति प्रतिशत घटाउनु पर्दछ ?